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Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have a decent advertising network, we don't have fixed prices, and we promote even the free ads. Thus you might get a price/results ratio which you will never be able to get using any other advertising network. You can check the results from our work at any time and make sure that this is true!

The statistics are shown in the table with ads on our ads page - just search for your ad with the search box. For detailed visitors review press on the unique visits number!

Just place our universal banner code nested into an iframe HTML5 tag on your website, write your email and you will start earning a share of our pool immediately after we approve you! The ad HTML5 iframe code can be placed more than once on web page, but only one click will be counted per user session per page!

As long as anyone has payed to advertise in a given day, all partners will divide the Network Pool at the end of the day! The rewards are click based!

The ordering is based on the unique visitors that we manage to bring you and unique clicks the ad earn, so even the free ads might get a good place in our rankings.

You will have a lot higher chance if you buy a share of our daily network pool. Use the "Promote" button next to your ad from the list on our home page. Thus your banner will get a lot more impressions compared to the free ones.

Just post a new one and let the old one expire, or contact us and we will make the change manually.

If you have any other questions, please check our Terms and Conditions page or Contact us